1. Enter Your Name, Address, and Phone Number

This information is required to identify your elected officials.

2. Send your email

Let your elected officials know that it's time to take back your Second Amendment right to buy a suppressor without extra taxes, potential wait times, and a registry! When you do, an email will be sent to your Representative in the House and both of your Senators.

3. Tell your friends!

Rally your family, friends, and local shooting club or range to make an even bigger impact! Every voice matters!


At the American Suppressor Association, we believe every law-abiding citizen has the right to protect their hearing while exercising their inalienable Second Amendment rights. Just like you shouldn’t have to pay a poll tax to vote, you should not have to pay $200 to protect your hearing. That’s why we worked with members of Congress to write the original Hearing Protection Act in 2015, and why we continue to lead the charge for its passage. 

Thankfully, the Hearing Protection Act has been reintroduced in the 119th Congress! In the House of Representatives, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA-06) is leading the charge with H.R. 404, and in the Senate, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) has reintroduced S. 364, making this the 6th time this legislation has been introduced. As of introduction, there are 38 cosponsors with many more to come. 

In the Senate, we are working with Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) to sponsor HPA again. Detail of the Senate companion bill are forthcoming. 

Thank you for taking the time to email your Representative and Senators to let them know that you support this common-sense legislation. Every email counts, so thank you for making your voice heard today!

The American Suppressor Association will never stop fighting for your rights!

Our priorities haven’t changed since 2011 – the year that we formed. Those priorities are as follows:


ASA will combat any attempt to ban, confiscate, or further regulate suppressors

We held the line in Virginia when anti-gun legislators tried to ban suppressors. State or Federal, our top priority will always begin with holding the line.


ASA will fight to remove suppressors from the National Firearms Act

The NFA is an unjustified tax that should be abolished. ASA will continue to lead the charge to  dismantling the law piece by piece until it no longer remains.


ASA will continue to  work to
decrease suppressor processing times

Transfers should take minutes, not months. ASA will not stop working until wait times are a thing of the past.


ASA will Legalize Suppressor Ownership and Hunting in all 50 states

Since 2011, ASA has helped legalize suppressor ownership in 3 states suppressor hunting in 19. We won’t stop until they’re legal in all 50 states!

About the American Suppressor Association

The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor community. We exist for one reason and one reason only: to fight for pro-suppressor reform nationwide.

The ability of the American Suppressor Association to fight for pro-suppressor reform is tied directly to our ability to fundraise. Since the ASA’s formation in 2011, we have helped 3 states have legalize suppressor ownership, 19 states legalize suppressor hunting, and defeated attempts to ban suppressors in 2 states. This would not have happened without your support. Join us in the fight to help protect and expand your right to own and use suppressors by becoming an ASA Member at