Albany, NY – On January 15th, Senate Minority Leader Robert Ortt (R, C, IP) reintroduced legislation that seeks to legalize suppressor ownership and hunting in the state of New York. Senate Bill 2099, which is backed by the American Suppressor Association, has been referred to the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee. If enacted, S. 2099 would align New York with the 42 states where suppressors are legal to own and the 41 states that currently allow hunters to use suppressors in the field.
In 2021, following introduction of a similar bill, Senator Ortt commented, “The legalization of suppressors for use during hunting activity has beneficial results for both the hunting community as well as the surrounding environment,” said Senator Ortt. “By muffling the sound of the hunting rifle, we are improving safety for participants, while also reducing the audible impact the activity has on those in the surrounding area. Any informed individual would know that a suppressor does as its title states, suppresses the noise of a gunshot. It does not silence it as portrayed by pop culture. This is important gun safety legislation that should be supported by both Republicans and Democrats alike.”
According to multiple peer reviewed studies, between 70 to 80% of hunters never wear traditional hearing protection devices like earplugs or earmuffs while in the field. As a result, Dr. William W. Clark, Director of the Washington University School of Medicine’s Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences, asserts, “the most serious threat to hearing comes from recreational hunting or target shooting”.
The sound pressure level (SPL) of most unsuppressed hunting rifles range between 160 to 185 decibels (dB). At these levels, even earplugs and earmuffs are often incapable of providing complete protection. In a letter addressed to the American Suppressor Association, the National Hearing Conservation Association (NHCA) states:
“Persons wearing conventional hearing protection are not without risk of NIHL when using firearms. The noise reduction of hearing protection devices varies considerably across users and may provide significantly less protection from noise than the labeled noise reduction rating (NRR) suggests...However, using conventional hearing protection in conjunction with a suppressor can significantly reduce the risk of NIHL more than using either device alone…Therefore, NHCA supports the use of firearm noise suppressors as a form of an engineering noise control to reduce hazardous firearm noise exposures.”
“Senator Ortt is absolutely correct when he says that Hollywood’s depiction of suppressors has no basis in reality,” said Knox Williams, Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association. “As a society, we should listen to the experts and scientists when they say that hearing loss related to recreational firearm use is a widespread issue that suppressors can help fix. We applaud Senator Ortt for his efforts to help protect the hearing of the citizens in the great state of New York, and look forward to working alongside him as we pursue this common-sense reform.”
There are many benefits to using a suppressor, including:
- HEARING PROTECTION: Noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus are two of the most common afflictions for recreational shooters and hunters. Everyone knows that gunfire is loud, but very few people understand the repercussions that shooting can have on their hearing until it’s too late. Suppressors reduce the noise of a gunshot by an average of 20 – 35 dB, which is roughly the same as earplugs or earmuffs. By decreasing the overall sound signature, suppressors help to preserve the hearing of recreational shooters, hunters, and hunting dogs around the world.
- SAFER HUNTING: Most hunters do not wear hearing protection in the field because they want to hear their surroundings. The trouble is, exposure to even a single unsuppressed gunshot can, and often does, lead to permanent hearing damage. Suppressors allow hunters to maintain full situational awareness, while still protecting their hearing. The result is a safer hunting experience for the hunter, and for those nearby.
- NOISE COMPLAINTS: As urban development advances into rural areas, shooting ranges and hunting preserves across the country are being closed due to noise complaints. Although it can still be heard, suppressed gunfire helps mitigate noise complaints from those who live near shooting ranges and hunting land.
- ACCURACY: Suppressors reduce recoil, and help decrease muzzle flinch. These benefits lead to improved accuracy, better shot placement, and more humane hunts.
Although legal in 42 states, suppressors have been federally regulated since the passage of the National Firearms Act in 1934. Prospective buyers must complete a Form 4 application to the ATF, pay a $200 transfer tax per suppressor, and undergo a background check before the ATF processes and approves the paperwork. In stark contrast, many European countries recognize the clear benefits of using suppressors and place much less regulation on their purchase, possession, or use.
About The American Suppressor Association
The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor community. We exist for one reason and one reason only: to fight for pro-suppressor reform nationwide.
The ability of the American Suppressor Association to fight for pro-suppressor reform is tied directly to our ability to fundraise. Since the ASA’s formation in 2011, we have helped 3 states legalize suppressor ownership, 19 states legalize suppressor hunting, and defeated attempts to ban suppressors in 2 states. This would not have happened without your support. Join us in the fight to help protect and expand your right to own and use suppressors by becoming an ASA Member at