Help ASA Ask Congress to:
1. Demand that ATF stop using secret rulemaking
2. Demand that ATF abide by its previous determinations
3. Support the immediate passage of the Hearing Protection Act
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On February 28th, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) summarily denied 847 Form 1 applications to make a suppressor because they believed the applicants were using solvent trap kits. On March 3rd, they notified every applicant with pending Form 1 suppressor applications – nearly 3,000 people – that they will now be required to provide pictures and descriptions of all parts and components that will be used to make the suppressor, or their application will be disapproved.
Despite previously approving thousands of Form 1 applications for individuals and legal entities that have used these kits in recent years, it seems ATF has now decided to change course without any public explanation or justification. What is clear is that ATF has unilaterally decided that the National Firearms Act (NFA) applies to these kits, and therefore any applicant applying to make a suppressor using one might be guilty of a crime. This type of behind-closed-door rulemaking has to stop.
Simply put, it’s time to insist that ATF stop treating the upstanding citizens it regulates like criminals. It’s time for ATF rulemaking to occur in the open. And it’s time to remove suppressors from the NFA so that law-abiding Americans can protect their hearing while exercising their Second Amendment rights without tax or fear of government retribution.
Congressional Letters to ATF
On Thursday, March 17th, Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) and 25 of his Senate colleagues sent the letter linked below to ATF regarding the Bureau’s blatant overstep of authority. On Friday, March 18th, 142 House Republicans sent a similar letter, spearheaded by House Judiciary Committee members Andy Biggs (AZ-5) and Ranking Member Jim Jordan (OH-4).
The American Suppressor Association worked alongside staff from Sen. Daines’ office, the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Biggs’ office, as well as the National Rifle Association, and the Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition in support of the letters. These efforts were directly supported by over 20,000 people who have contacted their legislators through ASA’s legislative contact form in the past two weeks.
The American Suppressor Association will never stop fighting for your rights!
Our priorities haven’t changed since 2011 – the year that we formed. Those priorities are as follows:
ASA will combat any attempt to ban, confiscate, or further regulate suppressors
We held the line in Virginia when anti-gun legislators tried to ban suppressors. State or Federal, our top priority will always begin with holding the line.
ASA will fight to remove suppressors from the National Firearms Act
The NFA is an unjustified tax that should be abolished. ASA will continue to lead the charge to dismantling the law piece by piece until it no longer remains.
ASA will continue to work to
decrease suppressor processing times
Transfers should take minutes, not months. ASA will not stop working until wait times are a thing of the past.
ASA will Legalize Suppressor Ownership and Hunting in all 50 states
Since 2011, ASA has helped legalize suppressor ownership in 3 states suppressor hunting in 18. We won’t stop until they’re legal in all 50 states!
About the American Suppressor Association
The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor community. We exist for one reason and one reason only: to fight for pro-suppressor reform nationwide.
The ability of the American Suppressor Association to fight for pro-suppressor reform is tied directly to our ability to fundraise. Since the ASA’s formation in 2011, 3 states have legalized suppressor ownership and 18 states have legalized suppressor hunting. Much of this would not have happened without your support. For more information on how you can join us in the fight to help protect and expand your right to own and use suppressors, visit www.ASAMember.com.
ATF Updates

Are Fast eForms Transfers Here To Stay?
When it comes to suppressors, wait times suck! Since they were first regulated in 1934, delays associated with Form 4 processing have been a reality

ATF Form 1 Update: Take Action Now!
Contact Your Legislators.Take Action Now! WASHINGTON, D.C. – On February 28th, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) summarily denied 847 Form 1 applications