ASA successfully fought to protect suppressor ownership in Virginia from 2019 to 2021 and again in 2023. ASA stopped an attempt to ban suppressors in New Mexico in 2023. We understand that similar initiatives could take hold in other vulnerable states. In response, holding the line at the state level is a top priority for the American Suppressor Association.
We have also set an aggressive agenda, called the No State Left Behind campaign, to pursue legislation in every state that does not currently allow for suppressor ownership or their use while hunting. We believe that every law-abiding citizen in America should be able to use suppressors to help protect their hearing, and will not stop until we have reached our goal.
Serving as subject matter experts, our primary state-level initiatives are as follows:
- Defend against state-level attempts to ban suppressors, threaded barrels, or host-firearms
- Private ownership (eight states currently banned)
- Use of suppressors for hunting (nine states currently banned)
- Litigation to challenge the constitutionality of state-level bans on suppressor ownership
Bill Tracking 2025
S.B. 1014 — Prohibited Weapons; Muffling Device; Repeal
Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-07)
Removes suppressors from the list of prohibited weapons under state law and strikes exception when owned in accordance with federal law. If passed, state law will be silent on suppressors, and only Federal Law will apply.
Current Status: Referred to Judiciary Committee
S.B. 25-003 — Assault Weapons Ban
Sen. Tom Sullivan (D-27)
Sen. Julie Gonzales (D-34)
Rep. Andrew Boesenecker (D-53)
Rep. Meg Froelich (D-3)
ASA Position: OPPOSE
Current Status: Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee
HB 5912 — Legalize suppressor use while hunting
Rep. Doug Dubitsky Parkinson (R-47)
Current Status: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
Bill 27-38 — Legalize suppressor possession
Sen. William Parkinson (R-7)
Current Status: Referred to Committee
New York
S.2099 — Legalize private ownership of suppressors
Sen. Robert G. Ortt (R-62)