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Platinum Dealer Membership

$500.00 available on subscription from $41.99 / month

The American Suppressor Association exists for one reason and one reason only: to fight for pro-suppressor reform nationwide. We are the boots on the ground in the fight to legalize and deregulate suppressors, and are the front line defense against the anti-suppressor factions that want them banned. We fight for you so that your company can focus on the core business of selling suppressors.

Contributions or gifts to the American Suppressor Association are not tax-deductible.

Select “none” to renew manually each year. Or, choose a convenient subscription option and we will automatically bill your credit card when it’s time to renew.
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Become an ASA Platinum Dealer Member Today!

For $500 a year, your company can join the fight by becoming an ASA Platinum Dealer Member. That’s an investment of just over $40.00/month. When you join, you will be doing your part to help ensure the protection and expansion of the right to buy and sell suppressors.


When you become an ASA Platinum Dealer Member, your money will go directly into the fight to protect and expand suppressor rights across the country. In addition, you will receive:

  •         Profile on the ASA Dealer Locator Map
  •         Static placement on the ASA Dealer Locator page seen by all visitors to page
  •         ASA Dealer Window Decal
  •         Digital ASA Dealer Logo for use on your website, social media, and newsletters
  •         Educational poster for your store
  •         Invitation to select ASA-sponsored events
  •         Inclusion in an eBlast to ASA members
  •         ASA Hats (3)

 ASA History

Since we formed in 2011, ASA has actively lobbied in 34 states, spent countless hours on Capitol Hill, testified in front of dozens of legislative bodies, hosted countless suppressor demonstrations, and led the opposition against burdensome ATF regulations such as ATF 41F and ATF 29P. When we started, suppressors were legal to own in 39 states, and legal to hunt within 22. As a direct result of our work, suppressors are now legal to own in 42 states, 41 of which allow their use while hunting.  Our work doesn’t stop there. 

When ATF tried to extend the CLEO signoff requirement to all applicants (which would have effectively banned all NFA items in most major cities), ASA beat their proposal and helped get rid of CLEO signoffs entirely. When Virginia and New Mexico tried to ban suppressors as recently as 2023, ASA was there to stop their legislative attacks. And in DC, ASA is not only pushing the Hearing Protection Act, we are also leading the fight against a coordinated attempt by Senator Bob Menendez and Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman to ban the sale, manufacture, transfer, and possession of suppressors nationwide. We will fight this tooth and nail to ensure their tyrannical legislation never becomes law, but we need your help!

No other entity will dedicate more time and resources to fend off the attacks than ASA. We are an association of, by, and for the suppressor community. Join our community by becoming an ASA Dealer Member today!

Contributions or gifts to the American Suppressor Association are not tax-deductible.