UPDATE: Early in the morning of April 20, 2023, the Committee voted 8-5 to postpone the bill indefinitely. For now, the bill appears DOA, but ASA will continue to monitor this and other anti-gun bills in Colorado to ensure your rights are protected.
DENVER, CO – On April 19, 2023, the Colorado House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear House Bill 23-1230, a draconian “assault weapons ban”. If enacted, the bill will severely restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in Colorado. Included in the bill are provisions to ban threaded barrels on semi-automatic rifles and pistols, which could affect the ability of anyone in Colorado to use suppressors on commonly-possessed semi-automatic firearms.
We are calling on all Coloradans to contact the Colorado House Judiciary Committee and urge them to oppose House Bill 23-1230.
Please click below to take action to oppose HB 23-1230!
About the American Suppressor Association
The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor community. We exist for one reason and one reason only: to fight for pro-suppressor reform nationwide.
The ability of the American Suppressor Association to fight for pro-suppressor reform is tied directly to our ability to fundraise. Since the ASA’s formation in 2011, we have helped 3 states legalize suppressor ownership, 19 states legalize suppressor hunting, and defeated attempts to ban suppressors in 2 states. This would not have happened without your support. Join us in the fight to help protect and expand your right to own and use suppressors by becoming an ASA Member at www.ASAMember.com.